Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hunting Jobs and Men.

Job hunting is no different than dating.

Stage One

Job Hunt (JH): This is where you meet your potential employers. It's usually a 'casual' chat about yourself and they give you a brief background on their company. The clientele, the number of employees, and how fun the company can be. In short, you both are trying to seem appealing to the other party.

The Date (TD): This is where you meet your potential partner. It's usually a CASUAL chat about yourself and he/she will give you a brief (or not, depending on how nervous or how much alcohol has been consumed) background about themselves. It's usually about their families, their jobs and how fun they are outside of their jobs. In short, you both are trying really hard to seem fuckable to the other person.

Stage Two

JH: Congratulations, they might like you. This is where it gets slightly more intense. You are asked to talk more in depth about yourself. What you want. What are your expectations. What you can provide for the company. They might even sum you up and  put a value on you and how much you are worth to the company.

They tell you things you want to hear. They tell you they like your work, and you have the potential. They may even lead you on occasionally by asking questions like "So when can you start?" and saying things like "You're just what we're looking for".

You will never be able to read how true all this is.

TD: Congratulations, he/she might actually like you. Seeing that the course of dating has to be prolonged compared to an interview, stage two probably begins after 5-6 dates where things begin to get intense. You are asked to talk more in depth about the 'relationship'. Where is this going? What do you want? What are your expectations? What can you provide for this 'relationship'? He/she might even sum you up and put a value on what you're worth in terms of investing time and energy in this 'relationship'.

He/she will tell you things you want to hear. He/she will say they like you, and they see this going somewhere. He/she might even lead you on occasionally by making faux statements that involves future plans and how you are exactly what he/she is looking for.

It is almost impossible to read how true all of this is.

Stage Three

JH: The waiting game. You wait for them to call you. You constantly check your email for a call back. You start to go insane.

TD: The waiting game. You wait for him/her to call you. You constantly check your phone for a text or a phone call. If you're pathetic enough, an email might even make your day. You start to go insane. You and whoever's crazy enough to stick around to listen.

Stage Four

JH: A call? You got the job. Congratulations. No? Game over, keep calm and carry on.

TD: A call? He's a gem. You stupid lucky bitch. No? Asshole.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Big Bang

A month back, as I was making room for more closet space, I stumbled upon a notebook that dated way back to 2001. Seeing the prepubescent cover of this notebook not only made me wonder what the hell I was thinking when I bought it, but it instantly brought back memories too. I flipped through the pages. What started off with law cases and legislative notes soon turned into a three way note passing conversation between two girlfriends and I. Hence, this is why I am not a lawyer.
I came across a section that was then depressing, but now rather amusing. I was going through a bad, probably the worst break up and my two girlfriends were consoling me. I had no recollection whatsoever of the events that happened in the notebook. I have mastered the art of blocking despairing memories ever since my parents' divorce. That, or he fed me so many lies that I was too full and had no choice but to vomit it all out of my system. But what I do remember distinctly is how I felt at the time. 

This past weekend, I managed to meet up with one of these girlfriends of mine for dinner and we ended up talking in her apartment till 4am. 

The subject of the notebook was raised, naturally. We began juxtaposing our lives; then and now. Problems that were so godly and worldly at the time seems so minute now.

The subject of my juvenile breakup too was raised, naturally. We laughed about it. Then like any woman, we began dissecting it. Verdict? Let's just say we've calmed a fuck load since we were 20.

You see, we all go through heartbreaks. But, you will always have that ONE person who will break your heart so bad you feel like dying and you feel like you will never recover from it. Well yeah, of course, you're dead. 

You will feel like you will never find someone that perfect for you and there's no one out there who can ever make you that happy again.

You will cry for days, or even weeks. If you're me, you just stop eating. Or if you're Bridget Jones you just won't stop eating. 

Every damn thing would remind you of him/her. Even a frying pan. And all of a sudden, all the song writers in the world are your best friends because they share your pain... because every fucking song is ABOUT you. And every time you see a couple, you can feel the loathe just breeding and manifesting in you. It might even take you months to recover. But we all have been there. That dark, dark, ugly place.

But once you overcome that, every other hurdle or heartbreak that comes your way will just seem like a mere fart compared to what you went through. Of course you're not made of stone, you will still bawl your eyes out, you will question yourself, you will still wallow in self pity. You will feel everything you did before, but on a much smaller scale. However, just like before, you can and will pick yourself up and you can and will move on. 

You may even be surprised that it might only take you half the time than it did before. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Would You Tag Yourself?

When I'm bored waiting on long lines at Forever 21, and I must say that's quite often, I divert my attention from the array of racks stacked with clothes, shoes, and accessories placed conveniently along the path on where you would queue. What started of as hope that my impatient glares might send telepathic waves to speed these people up turned into an entertaining habit of people watching.

You see, Forever 21 sells clothes catered to females (and now males, too) ranging from teeny bopper to 'oh Lord, please act your age'. Through my unwarranted human behavior study, I've learned that young  girls are divided into six categories when it comes to their boyfriends (or lovers) buying them clothes.

Bitch Bella
First of we have the Bitch Bellas. They are the kind of girls who believe that the power of the vagina grants them the right to have men buy them gifts. They would traipse around the store picking out whatever they like and want; hands moving as fast as a Shaolin monk executing a kung fu move. But for some reason, when these Bitch Bellas are faced with the cashier with boyfriend by their side, their hands start to look like a Thai masseuse. Gently rubbing the counter tops, caressing the mouth of the tip jar and running their fingers on the gift card holder. Eyes that were once fixated on racks like a sniper are now swaying left and right like a cat with a ball of yarn dangling in front of it.

Fugitive Fifi
Next are the kind of girls who wait with their boyfriends (or lovers) on line and the moment it is their turn, so does she. She turns left. Or right. And walks to the other end of the store - and is no where to be seen and found for the next 4 minutes when the purchase is being transacted. So how do Fugitive Fifis' boyfriends find their girlfriends? If you were an illegal immigrant or a convict where would you go? Yes, the border. So the couple would reunite at the boutique's exit and casually walk on hand in hand. And that is how Fugitive Fifi works.

Pretend Patricia
Third in this category would be the Pretend Pats. It is when a girl pretends she's paying for everything but in fact, she's not. I once saw a young teeny bopper couple waiting on line to pay. Both boyfriend and girlfriend were holding a couple of items. It was a Saturday, also known as 'date night'. And I thought to myself, "Aww how sweet, young love shopping together". When the cashier called out for their turn, the girl walked up first and her boyfriend waited behind. This is where I began to think, "Why wouldn't they just go together?" Since I'm such a professional in Human Behavior studies, I drew up a conclusion, "Maybe it's their second date and they're really serious about this whole going on dutch thing". When she was done, she stood at the corner of the last row of cashiers, to wait for her boyfriend, naturally. And then he steps up and puts down 3 dresses. Honey, I sure hope those dresses are for you. Young boyfriend himself began to feel awkward paying for 3 dresses alone with 20 girls waiting behind, clearly able to view his purchase, starts signaling stealthily for girlfriend from under the counter to come. But at this point, girlfriend isn't going to have 20 witnesses that her boyfriend had to pay the other half of her bill. So she did what she does best. She pretended not to see.

Dancing Darla
They are the most annoying of the lot because they take up the most time. No, they don't break into song and dance out of excitement while their boyfriend pays but they do the bill dance. He'll offer to pay but she will say "Oh no, but I can't!" and takes out her wallet. He then pushes it away and hands the cashier money to which she grabs it and hands hers over. All we need are some palm trees and a hill to roll down in with 20 costume changes and Hindi music in the background. Watching Dancing Darlas' pay dance is as bad as watching Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars. Because at the end of the day, the boyfriend always pays. The boyfriend knows it, the girlfriend knows it, the cashier knew it and heck, all 20 of us behind you knew it too. So save the drama for Jersey Shore.

Comedian Connie
Ever farted in a room full of people and say "Wow the cafeteria sure does serve bad cheese!" Some people crack jokes to avoid awkward situations. So do the Comedian Connies. They start telling jokes and teasing their boyfriends, trying their best to make the cashier laugh or smile in hope that the cashier would not notice that the credit card she's accepting is from her boyfriend and not her. I've seen enough of these to know that no one really gives a shit. The cashiers either ignore them thinking it's a private conversation or gives a polite smile. Which is why it's best to be a

Smooth Sue
They are the kind who just play it cool and doesn't give a rats ass. But say thank you to their boyfriends after. Verbal or action, I gotta look in the bag.

Don't get me wrong, the fact that these girls are doing any of the above is because they have a conscience. Be it out of shame or guilt, it's great to know that girls are not out there feasting on the idea that men should always pay. Unless of course, you're a Bitch Bella.