Friday, January 8, 2010

Got Milk?

As you can tell by now, I am very fond of the word Koe. That's only because my father gave it to me. It's a family possession that's worth more than your Magic the Gathering card collection.

My friends discovered the joy of name calling at the age of 14. Fast forward to 13 years later, apart from the growth of their bra size, so did their vocabulary. The words they use now are far more superior that 'dodo head' and 'chicken shit'.

They've taken it a step further by insulting my inheritance in the name of wit, art and creativity. This is their Sistine Chapel.

1. Koenica
2. Koe ca - Koe la
3. Koepi (at least 20 koepi variations. Koepi O, Koepi Koesong, Koepi Ais etc.)
4. Koekoenut
5. My favorite, Koetek.
6. "What does E uses on her period?" - Koetex 
7. Koe Storage (Cold Storage)
8. KoeKoeMo
11. Koerek hidung

And the list goes on.

I was born with dark skin. Everyone joked I was picked up from the trash. So, I yearned to be fair. This has nothing to do with my story.

But I will say this, as years go by, I began accepting and growing fond of the color of my skin. Just like how I've learned to find this list directory amusing. You know why? I found a better last name to fuck with - 'Chow'.

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